Lincoln Concierge

Lincoln Concierge Service

When it comes to your Lincoln vehcile, having a direct and personal connection with the people assisting you is important. Lincoln understands this and makes sure you have the personalized care and attention you need. Through the Lincoln Concierge services, you'll have access to helpful trained professionals whenever you need help.

A Person On The Other Side

If you have a question specific to you and your vehicle, you don't want to talk to an automated system; you'd rather have a conversation with a person who can respond specifically to your experience. That's why Lincoln offers this service. With people, we can adapt to your exact situation in ways an automated service cannot.

Lincoln Concierge Human Connection
lincoln concierge technician service

Expert Service

Our professionally trained concierges can help identify your need and establish what kind of service would best suit your situation. They can then assist in scheduling your service quickly and on your schedule to make it as easy as possible to get back on the road fast.

Assistance When You Need It

Issues don't happen on your schedule, so you need a service that can get you the help you need at any time. The Lincoln Concierge service offers 24/7 support to ensure that you are never left hanging when you need it most.

lincoln way app

Made to get you what you need when you need it, the Lincoln Concierge service is easy to use and user friendly. By making assistance available 24/7, Lincoln is making it easier than ever to get in touch with the experts who can help you the most.

Call Us! (877) 844-8792

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* Offers subject to change without notice. See dealer for details.